Layout List, Grid, Masonry, Carousel, etc.
Hasta las Estrellas

Hasta las Estrellas

Mixed media. White ink on black paper. Mechanical cutting, handmade paste. LCD screen with algorithmic animations: precision meets human touch.

Hola Mundo

Hola Mundo

Data-driven ink plotter artworks on paper. Combining image processing and data visualization techniques using a pen plotter.



University Graduation Project. Objets d'art born from projecting, coding, printing, cutting, pasting (paper & code), and listening music.

Sonata para un drone

Sonata para un drone

University Project. Sound installation guided by a drone flying over concrete blocks with speakers. Illuminated blocks play Morse code messages, reflecting a database of US drone strikes in the Middle East.

Cultura del Silencio

Cultura del Silencio

University project: Interactive sculpture reacting to viewer sound. Vertical structure with a police baton strikes when user speaks.



Music video for Tan Biónica's song 'Música' using mixed techniques. Filmed in RGB-D with Kinect sensor, blending depth and color data for object recognition.



Locomotion: an art+tech experiment exploring image movement sensation, users break clips into frames, guided by body movements.



Fractal explores dance, theater & tech intersection. Teaser '12, combined music, staging, interactive visuals. Based on Fran de Lobster's album, "Los colores de la tierra".