
Mariano N. Rivas

AKA Colormono, Mono

From a young age, I always had a great curiosity for art and technology, which led me to study the Bachelor of Multimedia Arts at the National University of the Arts.

During my career, I had the opportunity to work on projects that combine different artistic disciplines, such as music, dance, video games, and visual arts. However, my greatest motivation has always been generative art. This involves creating artwork using algorithms and computational systems, allowing the creation of patterns and forms that can evoke nature, the complexity of the universe, or simply random beauty. I am very drawn to this form of art as it allows me to explore new forms of expression and creative experimentation.

In addition to my personal projects, I do software engineering at TrueNorth and I am a teacher of Introduction to Programming in the Bachelor of Arts and Technologies at the National University of Quilmes, where I feel very fortunate to be able to share my passion for art and technology.

Have a nice day 👋